Marque Bretagne Brochures

Visit local industries

Discover our craftsmen’s savoir-faire thanks to local industries visits. Discover the manufacturing secrets, professional savoir-faire and industrial history that are part of our culture.

Do you want to understand how it works? Satisfy your curiosity and find an answer to your questions? This unique experience will make you understand the world around you, come and meet the professionals who contribute daily to our economy. Discover the amazing diversity of Breton savoir-faire during these family-friendly visits!

Here are the local industries and businesses open to the visiting public: all business sectors are open for visitors.





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5 tourist office partners



Vent de Voyage - Visite des Ateliers
Vent de Voyage - Visite des Ateliers

Since 2000, Vent de Voyage has been the craft workshop behind luggage and decorative items made from recycled boat sails in France.


Espace EDF Odyssélec de l
Espace EDF Odyssélec de l'usine marémotrice de la Rance

A unique and free site to discover the tidal power station with a ludic exhibition, a view over the engine room and free guided tours.

La Richardais

La Ferme Marine de Cancale
La Ferme Marine de Cancale

Come and disover the fascinating world of Cancale oysters at La Ferme Marine.


Le Saumonier Dinard
Le Saumonier Dinard

Le Saumonier Dinard is a handmade fish smoking company.


Chouchenn Dragon Rouge
Chouchenn Dragon Rouge

Having produced chouchen since 1960, La Cave du Dragon Rouge welcomes you to discover the history of this nectar of the gods and to offer you a tasting of the different vintage drinks created entirely in keeping with Breton tradition.
